sâmbătă, 19 aprilie 2008


Night oh, come and drench my mind
Bring forth new truths that I may find
Flay my thoughts and bring me doubt
Make me see what life’s about…

Dancing shadows, static light
A made-up world in which I might
See the mirror and it’s truth
And watch as I warp with each new find
Can’t pretend I have the focus
Can’t say I know the “us”
I’m just looking all alone
As quietly in the night I moan
Stepping steps I stepped before
Walking, dancing all alone…

Like a blind man seeking sight
Like a bird with broken wings
I rob the night of precious things
But what do starry diamonds matter
When I can’t truly find my better…

She’s somewhere under the glass moon
Waiting for me bring her boon
The freedom promised long ago
With brand new wings for her to soar
I walk I dance I laugh I sing…
I want for clarity to bring,
To show me ways to understand
The starry web she wove above

The diamonds she sets on my canvass
The lights she uses to quell my madness
And so I dance, sing and laugh away
The life I’m granted, thrown away
Because I know in actuality
She holds my truest immortality

The only thing that truly frees
Her touch, her smile, her smell her kiss
I want it all and I know not
What price to pay for what I’ve got
So till I get the answer sought
I’ll soar to you on the ebb of night

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